Addressing Anger
Anger can become a big part of shadow work. Exercising can bring up emotions that have been dormant for years. In some cases, lifetimes. When we start shifting energy in our body, we could trigger these emotions. This is what is meant by shadow work. Sometimes these emotions manifest through pain in the body. Maybe I should say that the pain triggers the emotions. Some people experience these emotions as sadness, depression, anxiety, or anger, to name a few. Today we are addressing the emotion of anger, and how to manage it in a healthy manner.
On day three of the challenge, we were provided with a kickboxing option. Part of the reason for this option was so those who find anger coming up in the shadow work, can work through that anger by putting that energy into a form of exercise that allows for a release of tension and anger.
So, we have experienced Barre, Yoga, Dance, and Kickboxing as forms of exercise. We are growing. We continue to write in our journal. Learning more about the Doshas and how we can heal through not only exercise, but food too.
When we look at the make up of our bodies, we learn that it is through the balance of mind, body, and spirit that we remain in good health. The food we eat is processed through Agni (the digestive fires) that either process what we eat properly, or creates what we call Amas (a poison like substance) in the stomach. Because these fires are weakened, they can’t digest our food properly. This is what causes disease in the body. That food sits in the intestines and colon and rots. Not able to digest, it causes disease in the body.
This is one of the many lessons we are learning in this challenge.
If you want to learn more about yourself and how you can be a better you, this challenge is a good way to find out who you are and what makes you tick. I’m glad I decided to step up and look within. There is much opportunity for growth in this challenge. You can still join. It’s never too late.
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