Yoga Intensive

You’d think the 30 day Shadow Work Challenge would be enough for now. But no.

I decided to join Brice for The Yoga Intensive class she’s offering. There are a limited number of seats in the class and it’s filling up fast.

I signed up for her class so as to come a step closer to the balance associated with the three disciplines of Ayurveda, of course Ayurveda, but also yoga, and tantra each of which is makes up the combined ancient discipline of Ayurveda. Each practice covers a different well defined aspect of the quest for knowledge, well being, and longevity.

Yoga is defined as the science of the Union with the Divine – the domain of the Mind and Awareness. What better reason could I have for wanting to learn more about this discipline.

Not only to learn more, but really focus on the practice. Of all the exercises Brice introduced us to in the challenge, yoga seemed to resonate with me the most.

Unfortunately, there won’t be any sharing of videos, because these sessions are private. To protect the participants.

So here I go. I’m ready to take on the next challenge. I hope I’m ready for the pain.

It’s okay. I’m ready, willing and hopefully able.

I’m about to find out.

I’ll let you know how it goes.

I will keep you up to date on my progress though.