Mission Accomplished
Here we are, day 29.
Can you believe it. We’ve come so far this month. Those of us who participated in the Shadow Work Challenge have conquered many obstacles, over come fears, and worked through pain that has kept us in a place where shadows live.
We have traveled into the abyss and wrestled with demons. We may have done it kicking and screaming but we did it. We shattered the illusion of fear and doubt. We are like the seed, that, planted in the darkness forces it way through the earth to sprout and grow into the great oak who’s roots spread wide and deep.
We are growing. We are shifting toward the light. We are the light, a fractyl of God that shines brightly, reminding us, and others of the potential we have as human beings.
This journey has been a profound one. I have traveled from a place of unknowing, to a place where I continue to grow and learn about who I am. I become more confident each day. I’m stronger and more focused. I feel a connection to mother earth that has me grounded and feeling peace and joy.
I’m sure I’m not alone when I say we owe a great deal to Brice Watson, and her team (Emmie Simpson, Stephanie, Schapp, Catherine Edwards, Morne Venter, and Chantelle Meyburg). They have each contributed to our growth in ways I never would have imagined. Brice, the wisdom you’ve shared with us is beyond your years. You are a blessing to the community. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you do.
I can’t wait to see what the 60 Day Shadow Work Challenge brings.
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