When Cocooning Becomes Isolation/Depression

A Conversation With Emmie

Most of those in the community that I work with, as well as many friends, have been doing what we call “shadow work”. We’ve been working on healing our wounds which in some cases can be a challenge.

One of the things we’ve been hearing is that the healing process is causing some to withdraw into themselves. We’re calling it cocooning. Because the withdrawal is time to reflect and heal, causing the self to grow and have a rebirth or renewal.

In some cases that is not what happens. Emmie and I got together to discuss how cocooning is becoming isolation. And further, turning into depression. Here ‘s how we worked through the conversation.

If anyone is interested in Emmie’s Reiki Services you can find her here:

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@TheMommaboo

Email: [email protected]